
ISO 21782.3-2019 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Test specification for

ISO 21782.3-2019 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Test specification for electric propulsion components Part 3 Performance testing of the motor and the inverter

ISO DIS 22741-1-2020 Intelligent transport systems - Roadside modules APDATEX d

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BS ISO 22737-2021 Intelligent transport systems - Low-speed automated driving LS

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ISO 21782.2-2019 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Test specification for

ISO 21782.2-2019 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Test specification for electric propulsion components Part 2 Performance testing of the motor system

ISO 10005-2005 Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality plans

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ISO 14813-5:2020 Intelligent transport systems — Reference model architecture(s)

An intelligent transport system (ITS) reference architecture is a tool that describes how an ITS delivers one or more ITS services. It includes a high-level description of the major elements and the i ...

ISO 21782.1-2021 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Test specification for e

ISO 21782.1-2021 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Test specification for electric propulsion components Part 1 General test conditions and definitions

ISO SAE DIS 21434-2020 (draft) Road vehicles - Cybersecurity engineering

ISO SAE DIS 21434-2020 (draft) Road vehicles - Cybersecurity engineering

ISO/TR 17427-6:2015 Intelligent transport systems — Cooperative ITS — Part 6: 'C

Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally ...

ISO 22085-2-2021 Intelligent transport systems ITS - Nomadic device service plat

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